Saturday, 8 August 2015

Step By Step To Obtain Pan Card In Arunachal Pradesh

This blog will give most of the information on tax and other government polices . If you were looking for how to apply new pan card in arunachal pradesh(ar) 2015 , then you can read the following content . This is the only blog that will give most of the information on applying duplicate pan card , pan card verification list of application form details in arunachal pradesh(ar) 2015 . Below is the step to know the procedure on applying nsdl tax card in arunachal pradesh(ar) 2015 .Please be read each step before you decide to apply new pan card in arunachal pradesh(ar) online . Not , only the procedure to register online but also we share to apply offline . Nsdl had launched a website already , that is the only website trusted by all state government authorities .


1)  In order to know the process of registration online, you must visit this link below . That is the only website and you can even apply duplicate pan card and track pan card nsdl tax card status online . If you want to track status online you must have an 15- digit acknowledgement number with you .

2) The website link as follows :- nsdl .tin .tin .com/pan

3) After you click on that website link , it will automatically redirect to nsdl website . Where you can see list of " guidelines ". Please be through those guidelines so that you can get an idea on how to apply pan card in india . After all that you need to scroll down that web page to choose the right option for you . The best option to choose from that list is ' individual ' . But , if you were planning to start a company you need to check other options that suits for your company laws .Below we share the list of options image to register tax in arunachal pradesh(ar).

apply pan card in arunachal pradesh

4) Now , an application form will open , you just need to fill that application form . Make sure that you not make any mistakes while you were filling that application form online . Because once you submit that application , you don't have other choice to make it re correct on applying in arunachal pradesh(ar) .

5) Now , you need to pay the fee , the fee can be pay in different forms , you can use net banking with your debit or credit card , or else you can also pay the fee via demand draft . Below we to share that article for you check it !

  • you can pay via demand draft on favour of ' NSDL-PAN'
  • Or  net banking using debit or credit card 
4) After all , your pan card verification will be done at online only no need of manual verification . With in 2-3 weeks your new pan card will be dispatched to your address as per your records in your state in arunachal pradesh(ar) 2015 if you want to make any correction changes in pan card click here 

As we do mention above that applying pan card through offline is the best process rather than to apply online . If you decide to apply offline , then you better to look at this steps . Before you decide to apply offline all you need to download the application form 49 . The application form 49 is widely used and it was developed by nsdl for the people to register new pan card via offline . After you done your download , just fill that application form details with your personal details and submit it to near by any pan card office or any Internet cafe .

1) The following is the link to download the application form 49 . That application is used for to register new pan card , not for duplicate pan card .

3) Now , you just need to fill that application form details and attach a photo copy and any identity card of yourself . Now , take that application form and submit it to near by any pan card office or any Internet cafe that have legal rights to apply , if you want to find pan card number by name click here 

4) Your nsdl tax card verification will be done at office only . And, with in 2-3 weeks your new pan card will be dispatched to your address .


If you lost your pan card and want to apply new tax card ? then you may look at this content . We share the two links below to register duplicate pan card . We are not sure whether it is necessary or not to book an FIR form from police department if it so , you can get samples here . Now, download the application form online here , and fill all your personal details and attach a photo copy and any identity card . Now , go to any pan card office and submit it or any Internet centre that have legal rights to apply , you can also refer this content as reissue of your tax card or correction changes as well in arunachal pradesh 2015.


After you registered your application form online , you will get an 15 digit acknowledgment number . Note that number for your future reference , now to check or track pan status online , you just need to check the below link to get an idea , want to change your surname in pan card 

The above information is valid in all districts , we also share the name of the districts here in arunachal pradesh(ar)  check it out so that you can get an idea , anjaw, changlang , east kameng , east siang , lohit , longding , lower subansiri , papum pare , tawang , tirap , lower dibang valley , upper saing , upper subansiri , west kameng , west siang , upper dibang valley , kurung kumey , namsai , kra daadi ,  anjaw, changlang , east kameng , east siang , lohit , longding , lower subansiri , papum pare , tawang , tirap , lower dibang valley , upper saing , upper subansiri , west kameng , west siang , upper dibang valley , kurung kumey , namsai , kra daadi , arunachal pradesh(ar) , arunachal pradesh(ar) , you can also refer this content as to reissue pan card or correction changes in pan card as well in india .

If you have any doubts comment here ! Our team will clarify your doubts asap !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. PAN card number is 10 digit alphanumeric numbers which is issued by the Indian Income Tax under 1961 Act. If you don't have PAN card with you and you are looking to Check PAN Card Status Online by Name and DOB (Date of Birth), then you are at right place. Visit this site.


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